T off the rogaining year with ‘T4’ The Two-Reserves Tuggeranong Twilight rogaine. This year we are back at Rob Roy with an extension onto Tuggeranong Hill so we can enjoy three hours of commanding evening views across Canberra’s southern valleys.
The course is being set by first time collaborator Ollie James with help from super vetter-an Jon Glanville. Great views usually means steep climbs, and this course delivers on both counts. The event is conveniently located within Canberra’s southern suburban fringe, with the Hash House to be located on the western edge this time round - details to follow in your final instructions. This is a three hour event, starting at 4pm and due to finish at 7pm – two minutes after sunset, so you’ll only be practising your night nav if you are late back! When we ran at this location in 2010 it was the night that Julia Gillard became the first woman elected as Australian Prime Minister. With the date for the 2025 election not yet announced, who knows what might happen – you’ll have to come along to find out :)
In the meantime check out the photo gallery from our setters on the link below.
The start of the event will be 4 pm Saturday 15 February 2025.
Entries cost $20 full and $15 concession. Under 14 free. No solo entries for this event - teams of 2 to 5 people.
Entries are open to 11:59 pm Sunday 9 February 2025 without late fees. Entries receieved between then and complete close at 11:59 pm on Wednesday 12 February incur a late fee of $10 per person.
If you need a partner, contact the event organiser with your category and level of competitiveness for the event. The event organiser will match people up where possible but we make no guarantees and recommend you keep asking around people you know.
Thank you for entering T4 The Two-reserves Tuggeranong Twilight Rogaine 2025. Team leaders, make sure that everyone on your team reads this whole document carefully.
This event will be taking place adjacent to suburban residential premises. Please be considerate of residents and road users, especially when parking and when leaving the Hash House. Sunset will be at 8.04 pm.
If you have recently returned from overseas, or if you have travelled from a known COVID-19 ‘hotspot’ without a designated period of quarantine/isolation; or if you are awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test; or if you are feeling unwell, or have flu-like symptoms, please stay home.
Please bring to the event a printed and completed indemnity form located here. Check the team list for your relevant event on the home page to ensure that all details for your team including category are correct. If incorrect, please contact the Event Contact prior to the event.
The Hash House is located at the corner of Templestowe Ave and Jane Sutherland St, Conder ACT approximately 28km from Canberra City Centre.
A google map is https://maps.app.goo.gl/Yv7Jf4nQrRwUyD4f8
Please park in Templestowe Ave. It is a long wide street, so parking is available on both sides of the road, but it is also a bus route, so do not park in bus stop zones. Do not park on the footpaths or off-road. Do not park in Eaglemont Retreat.
Direction signs will be put out on the day.
The event will commence by way of a mass start at 4.00pm sharp on Saturday 15 February. As it is the first event of the year there will be a novice briefing at 3.40pm, with a final briefing at 3.50pm. Registration will open at 2.40pm.
To register, one person only per team to register and collect maps. That person will need to:
Electronic scoring: As this event is using the Navlight system of scoring, each team member will be issued with a wristband and tag upon registration.
You will also be given pre-marked maps, control descriptions, course setter's notes and a small copy of the map to be used as a flight plan. We recommend that you arrive at least an hour prior to the start of the event to allow enough time for final preparations and route planning. Each team must mark their intended route on the flight plan and hand it in before starting.
There will be one A4 map, 1:25,000 with 10 m contour interval. Magnetic north lines are marked on the map. Out of bounds areas are marked in pink shading. It contains mainly native bush with areas of cleared land. The course setters notes and control descriptions have been printed on the back. The course is steep with a total altitude range of 450 m.
The map is printed on Teslin paper which is very tough and generally does not need to be covered in contact.
Course setters found lots of spiky bushes on the course so full leg cover is recommended.
It may still be hot in the late afternoon so please bring enough water for Hash House use and for at least 3 hours on course. There is not likely to be water in any of the marked watercourses and there are no water drops on course. We do not recommend drinking any water found on course without sterilisation.
ACTRA will provide a light meal from 6.00pm. Please bring your own plate, bowl, cup and cutlery.
Mobile phone coverage is good across most of the course, with the exception of down in some of the water courses.
The Hash House number will be 0401 994 975 and is printed on the map.
Food and drinks will be available from 6.00 pm. Please bring your own plate and utensils.
Certificates will be awarded to the winners and place-getters of each category and certificates. This is dependent on final numbers and will be announced on the day. Presentations will take place around 30 minutes after the end of the event.
If you have queries contact the Event Contact listed below.
Event Contact |
Stephen Goggs This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Setters and Vetters |
Jon Glanville, Ollie James |
First Aid |
Stephen Goggs |
General Help |
Tony Slatyer, Russell Bayliss, Rob Heggie |
Control Collectors |
Needed |
Contact | Stephen Goggs
Coordinator | Stephen Goggs |
Setters and Vetters | Ollie James, Jon Glanville, Stephen Goggs |
Map Maker | Jon Glanville |
First Aid | Needed |
Control Collection | Needed |
General Help | Ollie James, Jon Glanville, Stephen Goggs, Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson, Two more people needed, please. |
Catering | ACTRA |