Course Description

Located in Mogo State Forest, home of the "Angry Doctor" Netti MTB Enduro. Your chance to choose your own adventure in this great riding area with lots of fire trails, trail bike and sweet MTB singletrack. Open forest makes for pleasant travel off the tracks.

Map is 1:25000 topo. Altitude varies between 30 - 150m, with a few steep pinches.

Controls are generally off the tracks, but less than 300m usually. Teams can compete on foot or bikes.


Coordinator Setters/Vetters Admin General Help Catering Control Collection
David Baldwin Matt Koerber
Amanda Koerber
Wayne Bradbury
David Baldwin Celia Street
Matt Koerber
Amanda Koerber
Hartley ACT Run Team Emily Stewart-Reed
Parissa Poulis


Navlight Results